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Purpose? Yikes!

As I promote my Discover Your Purpose 6-week program, I’m encountering mixed feelings. While purpose speaks to many, for others the P-word sounds a little lofty, a bit intimidating. So, if you’re rolling your eyes, you’re not alone.

I’ve racked my brain to find another word to replace that-will-shall-not-be-named. (Drop me a line if you have any ideas!) Your soul’s calling? Your deepest knowing? Nah. Those sound even more coach-y, preachy, and unattainable.

My favorite alternative is your WHY. If it’s good enough for Simon Sinek, it’s good enough for me!

For now, let’s strip out all the pretense and call it your THING. What’s your thing? What gets you excited to get up in the morning?

Because when you discover your thing, let me tell you, it’s life changing. Not life changing as in you have to change your life. You don’t have to start a nonprofit. Or launch a business. Or devote yourself to serving others. Not at all.

Life changing because you finally have peace of mind. Because you know who you are, why you matter, and where you’re headed. 

No more wondering if you’re on the right track. No more chasing after shiny objects in the hopes the next one will finally make you feel whole.

Peace. Calm. And yes, some excitement too. It feels AMAZING. 

So please ignore any icky feeling you might have toward the P-word and join me and my group of like-minded women who are also looking for their THING. >> Learn more here <<

YOUR TURN: What’s YOUR thing?

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