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Dr. James S. Gordon, Expert on Overcoming Trauma

Your newest book, The Transformation: Discovering Wholeness and Healing After Trauma, leverages your 50 years as a mind-body medicine pioneer. How do you define trauma and how prevalent is this issue today? I think it’s really important to understand that trauma is a...

Sandra Ingerman, Helping Us Manifest Change

What is your life’s purpose? My life’s purpose and passion are to help people grow, heal from their past traumas, to bring in the goodness of life, to be a presence of love and light, and to gather communities together to perform ceremonial work. How are you living...

Hannah Templeton, Founder, Salai Clinics

What is your life’s purpose? To teach, heal, and learn. How are you living your purpose? Eighteen months ago, I started a non-profit organization called Salai Clinics. We offer free holistic medicine training and treatment in remote communities, where access to...